Monday, October 4, 2010

Bar Food (rough draft)

I love watching sports and I enjoy drinking so I have a lot of memories from the sports bar. There are a few different reasons that I go to the sports bar. The main reasons are because of sporting occasions, somewhere to get something to eat, and the atmosphere. Everytime you go to the bar you really dont know what to expect because all bars are different and people act different so its always a new experience.

Sports bars have the ultimate setting for watching a sporting event. There are usually tons of TVS with different sports going on. For example instead of only getting 2 football games at your house the sports bar has all of the games on so you get to see all of the action. When your at the sports bar there are people rooting for their teams so it is nice because you can see how other people react to have their team plays. There are other people that like the team you like and it is fun to root for your team with other people and fun to root against some other people.

The most underrated part of sports bars it the food. They usually serve many different types of food. You can get thing from hot wings to a salad and everything in between. When I go i usually get a beer and a cheeseburger but sometimes i will get hot wings instead. The best thing is that whenever you go to the bar no matter what mood, they will have a food that you will want.

The most interesting thing about sports bars it the atmosphere. When you go in there is usually a distinct feeling you get. The feeling you get is a sense of excitement and enjoyment. There is always different things going on so it suites everybody.

Sports bars have many different aspects, from the huge variety of food they have to people watching. They are all over the world for a reason. It is an enjoyable place to relax and be yourself. So always know sports bars are a place for everyone.

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