Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Holidays (Final Draft)

Every time my family gets together for a holiday, there is only one thing that I can think of: the beautiful smell of food. The first thing that comes to mind actually, is the freshly cooked ham. I always remember though, when I first walk inside my grandparents house; the humid warmth from cooking all morning and the smell of a variety of foods swirling together. All of this always gets me excited when a holiday comes around.

Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Those are the three holidays that we get together at my grandparents house. It is always really hot inside house on any given holiday although I usually don't mind because it's almost always cold outside, at least on Christmas. It's often fairly warm on Easter and it could be either on Thanksgiving. Anyway, regardless of the temperature outside it is always hot inside. All morning my grandma is cooking well my grandpa stands around and annoys my grandma. My parents and I are always the second to arrive, proceeded only by my cousin Vanessa who is usually cutting turkey and ham when we walk in the door.

My grandma always prepares a variety of foods for everyone, of which I only pay attention to the ham and biscuits. They are always so super delicious. The ham is always so super juicy and sweet and the biscuits and crisp yet soft and are some of the best biscuits I've ever had. Other than my small menu, my grandma makes many other foods such as two types of casserole, chili, mashed potatoes and homemade gravy, and some other things that I either don't know the name of or that I can't remember.

As soon as everyone arrives we all rush for the food. The 'serving station' in the small kitchen means we have to form a small line to grab from our variety of food. When we all are done, if it's hot, we go outside on their patio to eat, while if it is cold we sit in the dining room inside that is just big enough for us all. We all chat and eat while passing around the biscuits and butter every couple of seconds to someone else.

My family has a knack for forgetting about dessert, in fact, the yeast year for Easter we completely forgot about it. I'm not really sure how it happens because there are always such tasty treats for everyone that we all love. It always happens though... My grandma makes pound cake, cheesecake, Jello, butterscotch cookies (my absolute favorite), Christmas cookies for Christmas, and she alternates between brownies and fudge. I never know how such a delicious variety can be forgotten, but it happens and we all have a laugh about it when we are packing leftovers to take home and realize there is a forgotten table of heaven sitting off it's lonesome in the same room as the dining table.

Three times a year, I get my delicious ham and biscuits as well as many other tasty foods well my family manages to forget (or nearly forget) about the dessert. We all laugh and have a good time and bid goodbye until the next time. It's always a good time when the holidays roll around.

Author's Note

At first I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about, and actually my original idea was completely different than my final product. I couldn't think of anything that I felt I could elaborate on for quite a while, but I finally settled on speaking about how Holidays are with my family. I'm slightly disappointed with my idea because I wanted to do something that was a little more creative, however I am satisfied with my final product.

After figuring out what to write about, I thought about the specifics on what I would like to talk about. I thought about what I remember from all the many holidays that I have spent over at my grandparents. I outlined the writing in my head and then I began to write.

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