Sunday, October 10, 2010

Food and Family (final)

My family and food go together like two peas in a pod. We all really enjoy food to its fullest extent and maybe, a little too much at times, we tend to over indulge. When I think back to my childhood some of my most fondest memories are of all of us getting together for a meal. It always seemed to bring out all of thoses warm and fuzzy feelings in all of us , but I don't think that would have been possible without my grandma. When we do get together we make recipes given to us from my grandma.

My grandma used to live on a farm when she was little, she could talk about it forever and I love to watch her face as she talks about the food, and the way of life on the farm. She always closes her eyes and gets this beautiful smile on her face like as if she had been transported back in time and she’s with her mother again, eating her homemade cherry pie that she misses so much. Sometimes, I wish that I could be transported back with her and experience the life and food on the farm as she remembers it. The food today definitely is nothing like it was back then, all wholesome and fresh, everything made from scratch.

Luckily, we still have my grandma to give us a small part of that world and shares with us the memories of the past. We all love the food she makes from her childhood, it so delicious and the smell of it, when cooking gives me a feeling of home no matter where I am. When my family and I get together, to have my grandmas home cooked meals it brings out the best in all of us, it’s the only time it doesn’t feel phony or forced. It not only brings out the best in us but it makes my grandma very happy and that is something we all strive to do as much as possible.

When we get together to have a meal we all help in the kitchen, so it’s not too hard for my grandma or one person to do alone and we’ll joke and laugh as we go about cooking. When we finish with the cooking everyone will crowd into the kitchen to get a plate and then go sit at the table. We are not big on saying grace not sure why I think the only time we do say it is at thanksgiving I think we all thank god in are own way. After we are all done eating most everyone goes outside to smoke a cigarette and talk and that pretty much rap ups the night.

All in all, compared to most families, It’s really not to much when it comes to family get togethers but, I think its probably the biggest family traditions we have. So when it does happen and we all get together for a meal I am grateful for food and family and for the feeling of harmony with in my family for that small amount of time. I also feel very blessed when it comes to my grandma she is a very warm heart person and is always there for you when you need her. She alone is what really brings are family togather with the love she puts into the food she makes and into all of us.

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