Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Food and family (rough)

My family and food go together like two peas in a pod. When I think about when I was growing up most of my fondest memories, were based around food. No matter what we were going to do together there was always good food . Food had a way of bringing us all together and still does. It didn’t even have to be about visiting each other, we could get together and make a really good meal, like beans and chili which is my grammas’ favorite and all sit around and watch TV. and eat. We have made food such a big part of lives. You have to have food to survive but, we tend to take it to a whole new level in almost every situation whether it’s because we are fighting or having a family outing or just getting together to talk we always make a home cooked meal or go out to a restaurant. When I say my family, I don’t just mean my mom, dad and siblings. It’s my whole family, my gramma, auntie, and cousins. There is only thirteen of us but, we are very close, we all live here in Colorado and close by each other. we get together often and talk on the phone every day, everybody is in everybody’ else’s business, which gets annoying sometimes but we’re always there for each other. When one of us starts to fight with someone else, what usually ends up happening is we all get together and talk, then when every one is all made up we go out to eat and everyone is happy and joking around the table. Its almost as if having a good meal makes everybody forget about all the reason not to get along and we’re just there in the moment eating and laughing. When my family goes anywhere together whether its at the park, camping or even on a road trip food is always the main priority and I know that sounds bad but, I have grown up to understand why food is so important to my family. When my dad and auntie were younger they were very poor and there parents were not always there for them, so they had to beg ,borrow and even steal there food. A good meal to them was something that wasn’t always available so I think they tried to make sure us kids always ate really good. When we would go camping we would always make difficult but delicious food. While other people were having hot dogs and hamburgers we would be making culito, and steak. We don't go camping for the nature for the most part it’s more for us all to get together for the food, and family time that we all really enjoyed. I do sometimes wish that we more like a normal family and just go caming and go boating, fishing and hicking eating are little grnola bars.

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