Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Response to Hesser's Shop Write

OK, so for the sake of playing around with our class blog and as it pertains to food and I have nothing else to do I decided to write a quick response to Hesser's Shop Write.

In Amanda Hessers 'Shop Wright' I had thoughts of what foods really make what people, or conversely, what people make which foods a necessity? One of the first things that popped out at me was "to what extent is our personal identity linked to our food preferences and eating habits?"-(Hesser, Convergences p.95). The message here becomes clear, are we what we eat? Though I would ask in what context is 'what we eat' placed, and to what extent indeed? Is a vegetarian a vegetable, or a carnivore a walking sac of meat? Perhaps I eat nuts, after all I am nutty. like my casual references, Hesser's message seems to come across in a sort of playful, almost humerus manner. A second more subtle yet telling message tied in well with the first is the trends of attitudes and trends of people shopping for food. For me it is the tiniest idiosyncrasies of behavior that are the most telling of people, their personalities and more importantly their intentions. Imagine being able to read and study seemingly mundane parts of someones life such as shopping lists before ever committing to a business partnership, personal relationship, or marriage?

If I were to place my thumb on a method, it would have to be humer, and an application to emotion, not the oh woe is me emotion, rather the light hearted comical banter usually found between tow good friends. Hesser goes so far as to almost poke fun at the various grocery shopping lists and brings imagination in play as to who would buy what and why, and can we qualify what things are typical of an average group of people, excluding the a-typical. Side note if you ever want to just have fun with a grocery clerk, buy bananas and condoms, nothing else, and watch their reactions, after all what sort of person buys those two items at the same time and for what ends? Its a riot.

Dry and simple, Hessers medium is a comparative analysis, though she does cite so much of Bill Keaggy's work, I almost wonder if she literally reworded it then regurgitated what she read. My friend Ethos would tell me no, she writes for magazines and has written cook books, so why would she jeopardize a good thing for a single one page article essay?
After reading the essay, I found its title comical, here we are to infer a 'Shop Wright' and deeper though would suggest that 'Shop Write' is just that, to 'write' and 'shop'.

Here's my last weeks shopping list, what was yours? AND What would you infer about me based on my shopping list?

Maple Syrup
Chicken Breast
Cliff Bars

1 comment:

  1. You will have fun with today's activity, I hope. We will ponder assumptions about a person based on eating habits.
