Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Here's A Croissant Practice Blog

I brought a croissant to class today because it was the first thing I could find at the lunchroom. I think I made a mistake in this purchase because I had to pay $1.88 for what looks like a very average looking croissant, aside from the bits of black stuff on it that make the croissant look like it got speckled with burnt cheese. It's fairly soft, but for a $1.88 premium pastry I would expect nothing less.

My Croissant doesn't look like this.

I guess I could consider myself a fan of croissants, but I don't know if I could consider myself a fan of this one yet. (I have yet to eat it.) I guess it depends on what the black specks on top of the croissants.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping the black stuff might be chocolate? (I did notice the croissant last week-couldn't help it). I hope it surprised you and was worth every cent.
