Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Water (Practice)

Wed. 09-22-10
I was supposed to bring food, but I forgot. If I don't write it down, out of sight, out of mind. But I do have water. They say 99% of our bodies are water. Well almost, don't hold me to it

Thurs. 09-23-10

Well, I need to continue this important discussion about water because I have first-hand experience with it. When I was a child, I played outside in the summer and became very thirsty. I came in looking for one of my favorite beverages. "Mom," I asked. What's there to drink?" This is where I had my first Chemistry lesson. "H20," she replied. "Awww," O moaned. "I wanted Koolaid." My Mom, Dad and sometimes us kids went fishing. I knew fish came out of the water. There was no way that I was going to drink H20. I didn't care about the physical and chemical properties of water.

I just didn't want to drink any of those fish!

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