Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Tiny Potato and the Cheetos (Test Blog)

I don't usually bring food to class; I've only just recently given into my snack cravings in the morning and started munching on Cheetos or Lucky Charms during lectures. Up until now, the in class eating rules have been very strict: only water is allowed in the class rooms with carpet and, depending on the teacher, sometimes pop, but only in the science rooms where there is no carpet to be stained. And there is no absolutely no food allowed anywhere but the cafeteria. Now that I'm in college, though, the rules are looser. I'm allowed to eat anything and anytime and I can have coffee in carpeted areas. It's wonderful~ But I'm still a little stuck in the old ways. I still feel that I'm breaking the rules when I eat in class, even though I know it's all right.

So, during the last few weeks, I've been snacking in class. I had a brownie the other day in History class; it was delicious.

With that, can you guess one of the foods I brought today? That's right! Cheetos! Regular old Crunchy Cheetos. I was planning on just posting a picture of a bag of Cheetos, but when I was searching, I found something much more interesting.

Strawberry flavored Cheetos...

Oh, Japan... How I love you~ They'll cover anything in chocolate or strawberry. Actually, I don't think that these would be that bad. As long as there isn't any cheese flavor underneath. It would be like eating a strawberry flavored poof, and that's all. I wonder if I can get them anywhere here though...

Truthfully, Cheetos weren't actually the food I chose, I just brought them because I was hungry. My real item is a very small, purple potato. It's, maybe a half an inch long, not something that can be cooked and eaten really; it wouldn't be very filling if you did.

See? It's smaller than a quarter! It's barely even bite size! But! I plan on planting him (yes, I gave the potato and name and gender; his name is Jeff) in my garden soon and he'll grow new, bigger potatoes that I can eat.

This little guy came from a nice, little organic garden in my friend's backyard. He was one of the smallest ones we dug up and I asked if I could take him home and plant him in my own garden when he grew new roots. 

Since I'm no gardener, I'm going to have to find myself some instructions on potato planting. I'm under the impression you plant them during fall or winter, but I could be way off.

This site has good instructions on planting and growing potatoes, with a brief history and opinion on how wonderful they are. (Apparently, I was wrong about the planting season; I way off...) I'll either have to wait until spring or plant the little spud in it's own pot and keep it inside until spring. 

If this 'gardening' is successful, I think I might move on to harder things. I would really like to grow strawberries one day, I love strawberries =w= Maybe one day, I can have an entire organic garden in my yard!

1 comment:

  1. I think I could eat a strawberry poof, but as you mention, only if there is no cheese underneath... And I am a fan of giving names and genders to random things-birds, stones, trees, cars. My car's name is Clover. She is a she. Good luck with the gardening. It is amazing what a person can do with a bit of effort (I am a lazy gardener, and I can still grow food. Crazy.).
