Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Water bottle to drink or not to drink (practice)

Today I brought a bottled of water in to class. I love water especially when i am really thirsted even more so when there is ice. The water bottle is differently the most convent when you are on the go there is usually some were to stop and get a bottle of water. But in the long run could we be paying for that convence, by contracting a life threading cancer.

More and more researchers are finding chemicals in what makes up the bottles we are drinking out of. So are we treading convince for something that could later on cause are painful death ? Its amazing how much we have to ask are self that same question about so many other products in today's world. And the really bizarre thing is that we know that these thing can potently harm us and yet we still consume them. I believe we live in a, in the moment society we cant see past today or even tomorrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At this point in time there are over 80,000 known carcinogenic chemicals being manufactured and used, of which somewhere near 40,000 are in our foods and personal care products, while still more are linked to, yet not substantially proven to, cause Cancer and other varying diseases.

    I am a firm believer in living naturally. Regardless of anybodies beliefs on religion, science, politics, etc... It is very hard to dispute the validity of millions of years of evolution or Gods divine creation, or the ethics of knowingly putting poison in consumable products. All roads lead to the center of living a natural life

  3. I don't drink the bottled stuff. I am sure my tap water has crap in it that isn't good for me, but I will drink that over the other (because I can fill my own, not plastic, bottles-cheaper and I think better). Interesting post, especially for a practice one. A good thought-pondering one...
